An improved way of growing plants without soil is called hydroponics, and it involves growing plants in nutrient-rich water solutions. It is a type of soilless farming that depends on supplying all essential nutrients to the roots of the plants through water, giving exact control over temperature and light levels and maximizing plant growth.

Plants are usually cultivated in channels or containers with their roots immersed in the circulating fertilizer solution in hydroponic systems. This technique has benefits of its own and works well with many plant species and growing conditions.

1.    When compared to conventional soil-based agriculture, hydroponics offers the advantage of more efficient use of nutrients and water.

2.It also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides because it does away with the requirement for soil, which can harbor diseases, weeds, and pests.

3. Hydroponic systems can also be used to grow plants in urban settings with limited access to arable land or in places with poor or contaminated soil.

4. A vast range of crops, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and even certain fruiting plants, can be grown hydroponically.

5. This technique is frequently utilized in commercial agricultural, research, and instructional contexts, as well as in home and hobbyist gardening setups.

To guarantee ideal plant growth, hydroponic systems do necessitate constant monitoring and control of nutrient levels, pH, temperature, and other variables. In addition, their setup costs are usually higher than those of conventional soil-based systems. However, hydroponics presents a novel and environmentally friendly method of cultivating plants, with the promise for increased yields, lower resource usage, and year-round production independent of weather.

A 1000 square foot setup for growing lettuce requires a lot of equipment, which includes the following:

One-Time Setup Cost of Hydroponic Farming:

1.     Polyhouse shelter- Rs 1,20,000

2.     Pipes - Rs 17,0000

3.     Stand platform - Rs 20,000

4.     Tank- Rs 19,000

5.     Water pump – Rs 10,000

6.     Net cups- Rs 20,000

7.     Water cooler- Rs 12,000

8.     Water filter and quality checking instruments – Rs 15,000

9.     Labor cost- Rs 10,000

The total cost of a one-time setup of hydroponics in 1000 sq. ft. is between Rs 396,000 to Rs 450,000.

Cost of per season Cycle:

Therefore, the cost in 1000 sq. ft. per cycle for lettuce in hydroponic farming is as follows:

     1.    Electricity- Rs 6,000 (2 Months)

     2.     Seeds- Rs 4,000

3.     Fertilizer- Rs 4,000/ Month

4.     Maintenance- Rs 2,000/ Month

5.     Packing and transportation- Rs 5,000

The total per cycle cost is Rs 21,000.

One Season Cost of Hydroponic Farming

Total Profit:

Here are the results for a one-cycle crop production like a lattice on a 1000-square-foot area:

1.     Total production- 1640 kg

2.     Waste- 200 kg

3.     Total left- 1440 kg

4.     Value in the market- Rs 40/kg

5.     Value of yield- Rs 57,600

Total earning per cycle investment

Profit margin- the value of total yield Rs 57,600 – per cycle cost 21,000 = Rs 36,600/cycle.

The profit margin of hydroponic farming in India is Rs 36,600/cycle for 1000 sq. ft.

Total yearly income will be Rs 219,600.

Total Cost of Hydroponic Farming

This data describes and give a view of how hydroponic works but the cost of installment may vary according to the company. If you are able to make set it up by yourself cost installment will be very but it needs expertise in hardware that reduces initial cost by up to half. You can take training from the local Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) and you can visit the already-installed hydroponic set up near you. Do better study before the start of work.

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