How do you cope with economic and health crises or epidemic like the coronavirus?

 The answer is URBAN AGRICULTURE. 



Urban agriculture also known as urban farming and urban gardening is the practice of cultivating in rooftop or less-used areas of our house for our own fulfillment or extra income and sometimes it includes processing, and distributing food in or around urban areas. Urban food production not only has positive impacts on our daily nutritional but also improves our surrounding air quality. 

Urban agriculture is simple to begin in both developed and developing cities. Both controlled and uncontrolled habitats are included, such as potted plants on our balcony and greenhouses. Plants can be grown in our given space. It may be arranged horizontally, vertically, or in the form of steps.

All things considered, urban agriculture is a significant and expanding movement that might increase food security, lessen negative environmental effects, and improve the health and general well-being of metropolitan areas.


Rooftop gardens and horticulture 

Horticulture and rooftop gardens: Growing plants, veggies, or fruits on a building's roof is simple. Any kind of building, including residences, apartment buildings, and commercial structures, can include rooftop gardens.

Rooftop gardens provide a number of advantages, including bringing more greenery into cities, which can enhance the quality of the air and give birds and insects a natural habitat. A structure with vegetation within it absorbs less heat, improving energy efficiency and reducing cooling expenses.
By filtering and absorbing rainfall, plants are able to lessen the quantity of stormwater runoff that gets into the city's sewer system.

Rooftop gardens

Urban Hydroponics 

This kind of agriculture, which uses nutrient-rich water to grow plants without soil and requires less space and water than conventional soil-based agricultural techniques, is gaining popularity in urban settings. Plants are grown in a nutrient solution that is supplied straight to the roots of the plants via a variety of mechanisms in a hydroponic system. Usually, the nutrient solution is combined with water and pumped through the system to make sure the plants get the nutrients they require.
Ninety percent less water is used by hydroponic systems than by conventional soil-based growing techniques. In comparison to conventional farming practices, they can even provide higher crop yields and enable year-round agriculture. Compared to conventional agricultural practices, this approach generates less waste and needs less pesticides and herbicides. Precise control over nutrient supply was made possible by the controlled environment, which may have contributed to stronger, healthier plants.

Urban Hydroponics

Urban Aquaponics

Urban aquaponics is a closed, symbiotic system that combines hydroponics—growing plants without soil—and aquaculture, which involves raising fish. Fish are raised in tanks in an aquaponic system, and their waste is turned into nutrients that are used to nourish plants that are also cultivated in the system. The hydroponic system circulates the nutrient-rich water from the fish tanks, where the plants absorb it. After that, the water is naturally filtered by the plants and put back into the fish tanks. Compared to conventional agricultural techniques, this cycle offers a closed-loop system that uses less water and generates less waste. Vegetables and fish share a system that allows for a sustainable food source that requires less water and no additional nutrients. Also, use fewer pesticides and herbicides than traditional farming methods.

Urban Aquaponics

Aeroponics Farming

In aeroponics, plants are hung in air chambers that are misted with a nutrient-rich liquid solution. It requires extremely little water and is the most sustainable soilless growth method available. Under this method, plants absorb oxygen, water, and nutrients straight through their open roots. Plants grown in aeroponic systems typically develop quicker and yield more than plants produced in traditional hydroponic systems because they have access to a higher concentration of oxygen. Compared to conventional soil-based agricultural techniques, it uses only 5% more water and can develop more quickly and effectively. These systems, which include hydroponic and aquaponic, also use less pesticides and herbicides.
Hydroponic and aquaponic gardening do present certain difficulties, though. Aeroponic gardening also requires specific tools and a steady supply of energy. Working with a professional is essential to guaranteeing the correct design and installation of an aeroponic system.

Aeroponics Farming


Beekeeping on rooftops is a growingly popular concept that makes use of otherwise underutilized space while enabling people to sustain local bee populations and create their own honey. But there are a few crucial things to think about before establishing a rooftop beehive. Beekeeping requires adequate space and instruction, such as creating a garden that is friendly to bees or supplying a nearby water source. However, the government encourages beekeeping and offers free training at many agricultural institutions. Overall, rooftop beekeeping can be a rewarding hobby and a great way to support local bee populations.

Bee Keeping on Roof Top


Grow food in urban helps to increase access to fresh, healthy produce reduce food insecurity in cities, and improve food access and nutrition including promoting community engagement, bringing people together to work on a common project, and promoting social connections.

However, many of these technics need specialized equipment and a reliable source of electricity. It is important to work with a professional to ensure that is designed and installed properly. But all are profitable to increase your income even in corona epidemic type health and economic crises conditions.

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