What Will Happened If Sun Goes Out For 1 Year From Now?

Source: Freepik

Let's speculate for a moment. What would happen if our sun suddenly went out? For an hour, for a month, or, let's say, even for a whole year? 

What would happen to mankind? 

The very last photons from the surface of our star and the last particles that make up the solar wind have started their final flight towards the Earth. No one yet suspects that the heart of our solar system has stopped functioning. 

About 9 minutes later

The sky suddenly turns black. Darkness descends upon the entire planet. No matter whether at the moment it's the deep dark of midnight or a bright sunny noontime at your location, you can quickly and easily see the difference. 

The stars are now all clearly visible against the sheer black backdrop of the sky. The moon is not visible at all since there's no longer any sunlight for it to reflect. 

A moment before the onset of the all-shrouding darkness, bright Northern Lights may appear due to changes in the magnetic field around the Earth and disturbances in the ionosphere. The most dreadful consequence of all is the complete and utter cessation of the process of photosynthesis, resulting in plants and cyanobacteria no longer producing oxygen

This will soon lead to difficulties for every living being. 

About an hour later

True panic reigns over the heretofore-day side of the earth. Power and communication outages propagate across the entire planet. Temperatures everywhere drop by several degrees, and the earth's surface begins to slowly cool. 

But from the inside, the planet is still heated by its molten core. 

About 24 hours later

Dawn has not and will not arrive. Panic and chaos are enveloping the entire world. State authorities have almost zero control over the situation. Humanity is trying to figure out what the hell happened while coping with massive power and water supply outages. 

The temperature on the surface falls to between 5°C and 7°C (about 41° to 45 °F), and has now decreased by about 15° to 20 °C, that's a drop of about 30 °F. Some species of plants and microorganisms begin to die. The inhabitants of the ocean, for the time being, feel almost no changes. 

About 7 days later

It's still dark. The average temperature on Earth is now -17 °C😓 (about 1 °F). But in areas where there are tectonic faults, it's still warm. Thanks to geothermal energy, the surface does not freeze over. Most plants have already died due to cold or lack of light. 

Herbivorous and heat loving animals also begin to die. In the oceans, phytoplankton begin to die as well. The inhabitants of shallow waters suffer tremendously from the cold, and the surface of the ocean is beginning to turn to ice. By now, scientists and other individuals have realized what has happened and rushed to organize and equip shelters. 

About one month later

The earth is continuing to cool. The average temperature on the surface is now about -30 °C😰 ( -22 °F). And almost the entire planet is now coated with ice. Virtually all plants and cyanobacteria have perished. Some species of trees, especially conifers, are still alive. 

But with the lack of sunlight, even they are not producing oxygen. In fact, the majority of the earth's living things have died. But some bacteria still carry on with their normal life activities. Most of the remaining life on earth is now found only near geothermal springs and under water. 

Interestingly, the layer of ice on the surface of the ocean slows down its cooling. And in areas with oceanic tectonic faults and geothermal sources, the water is still warm. Obviously, it is being naturally heated. But even in the ocean, the drama of a mass extinction event begins to unfold. 

About one year later

The surface of the Earth and the oceans are covered with a thick layer of ice. According to professor David J. Stevenson at CalTech, the temperature on the surface of the earth should drop to about -40°C🥶 (about -40°F). Life endures now only deep in the earth's oceans, and perhaps some groups of humans might be able to survive on the surface of the planet in places like Iceland and other areas with large amounts of geothermal activity. 

Professor Stevenson J. believes that the Earth will continue to cool for another several thousand years. Until the surface temperature reaches approximately -160 °C (about -256 °F). At that point, life on the planet, in the usual sense of the word, will simply become impossible. 

Now, what about the gravity?

And let's not forget about the gravity of the sun. After all, it's unlikely that the sun could suddenly go out without losing its gravitational pull. If the Sun ceases to hold the planets and other celestial bodies in its orbit, then the planets and asteroids will simply fly away into outer space. 

Some of them may even collide with one another. The Earth, for one, will soar out into deep space, where it could get bombarded with asteroids, comets, and radiation, collide with another planet, or even some day end up in the gravity well of a black hole. There's also a very small possibility that after wandering through space for a very long time, the Earth would be able to integrate into another stellar system and find a new sun. 

In the end, however, it's important to realize that this scenario is just a fantasy, or rather, a thought experiment. As for the real future of our star, in a couple of billion years, the sun will swell and turn into a red giant. Our star will swallow Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and will become heated up to several thousand degrees.

In five billion years, the sun will explode and throw off its outer envelope. Leaving the center of the solar system, a gradually cooling stellar core. A white dwarf will orbit whatever remains of the solar system after the explosion. Concerning humankind, its fate remains unknown. Hopefully, by that time, we'll be able to fly to other planets and star systems. 

But that is a story for another day.

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