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That is - nothing at all😂.
Even if we jump up and down the whole day long.
But, if we were to collect all people of the earth in one place, we could very quickly solve a rather important problem.
Probably you have heard something about us. Humans multiplying our numbers far to quickly. There are just too many of us on earth and if nothing is done soon, there won't be any food left to put on.
One way of looking at it that 7 Billion is not so much, so all the people on earth could easily fit into a territory equal to the size of Moscow or Los Angeles. And it wouldn't even be crowded.
A thought experiment with consequences
OK, let's say we all gather on a hypothetical huge platform one meter above the ground and are ready to make this collective jump. What will happen?
This jump will create a truly significant amount of energy, part of which will return back to each person through their shoes. And some of which will dissipate into the environment with very interesting consequences.
First, you will hear a very loud sound of about 200 decibals, similar to the sound of applause.
Which is much much louder than a jet engine which emits a sound volume of maximum 140 decibels and 160 is the level of a shock wave from a supersonic aircraft.
So, not shockingly the pain threshold of a human being is already passed at a level of a mere 130 decibels. 135 to 140 decibels is a concussion. 150 shock and severe injuries so undoubtedly 200 decibels - at best such a sound will simply blow your eardrums.
That's at best, but basically, everyone will just die. Suppose you're only deaf after the jump.
What if you survived?
If somehow, you survived then you are incredibly lucky, but not for very long.
It turns out that our jump strongly impacted the planet and in response to this degradation the earth will send a 30 meter high tsunami rolling back onto shore. And along with a couple of earthquakes of around 4 to 8 on the Richter scale.
As a consequence, bridges, railways, powerlines and some buildings will be destroyed. And finally the apocalypse is here.
But, I must confess to you nothing will happen. I misled you because if we were able to bring together 7 billion people and make them jump at the same time, everything would be like this:
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