Origami DNA To Control Virus


The study's international team developed a method to accurately and programmably control the synthesis of viral capsids, the protein shell of viruses, in physiological circumstances. This method was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

By using DNA 'origami' templates, Griffith University researchers have significantly influenced how viruses are constructed. The study's international team developed a method to accurately and programmably control the synthesis of viral capsids, the protein shell of viruses, in physiological circumstances. This method was published in Nature Nanotechnology. The Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery's Dr. Frank Sainsbury and Donna Mc Neale, who were a member of the study team, claimed the experiment addressed the issue of inducing viruses to assemble on DNA folded into various forms "like origami." "We achieved control over the virus protein shape, size and topology by using user-defined DNA origami nanostructures as binding and assembly platforms, which became embedded within the capsid," Dr. Sainsbury added.

The enclosed DNA origami could be protected from breakdown by viral protein coatings. The viral proteins deposit on top of the various shape that is determined by the DNA origami shape in this action, which is more like wrapping a gift. Additionally, various virus proteins resemble various types of wrapping paper, which is pertinent to the various applications of coated DNA origami. The creation of new vaccinations and delivery systems would benefit from precise control over the size and structure of viral proteins. But the available tools to programmatically control the assembly process were difficult to come by, according to Dr. McNeale. There method may be used to create RNA-DNA origami structures as well as virus capsid protein units, opening the door for the development of future cargo protection and targeting techniques.

To better understand how various viruses self-assemble and how they might be utilised to encapsulate various payloads, Dr. Sainsbury and his team are now working. This will give them the ability to create and alter new virus-like particles for a variety of purposes. As an illustration, they observed that a virus isolated from mice can transport protein cargo through hostile conditions and into a particular subcellular compartment in human cells. There is still a lot to learn about viruses given the vast design space that exists among those that could be used as carriers. We'll keep testing the limits of how virus-like particles can come together and learning what we can from employing them as drug carriers, vaccinations, and biochemical reaction vessels, added Dr. Sainsbury.

By using DNA 'origami' templates, Griffith University researchers have significantly influenced how viruses are constructed.

The study's international team developed a method to accurately and programmably control the synthesis of viral capsids, the protein shell of viruses, in physiological circumstances. This method was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

The Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery's Drs. Frank Sainsbury and Donna McNeale, who were a member of the study team, claimed the experiment addressed the issue of inducing viruses to assemble on DNA folded into various forms "like origami."

"We achieved control over the virus protein shape, size and topology by using user-defined DNA origami nanostructures as binding and assembly platforms, which became embedded within the capsid," Dr. Sainsbury added.

The encased DNA origami could be protected against deterioration by the virus proteins. The virus proteins deposit on top of the varied shape that is determined by the DNA origami structure, making this action more similar to wrapping a gift. And different virus proteins are analogous to various types of wrapping paper, which would be pertinent to various applications of coated DNA origami.

The creation of new vaccinations and delivery methods would benefit from precise control over the size and structure of viral proteins. "But current tools to control the assembly process in a programmable manner were elusive," Dr. McNeale added.

Our method also doesn't have to be used with just one kind of virus capsid protein unit; it can also be used with RNA-DNA origami structures, which will open the door for future methods of cargo protection and targeting.

To better understand how various viruses self-assemble and how they might be utilised to encapsulate various payloads, Dr. Sainsbury and his team are now working.

Complexed 13HR

This will give them the ability to create and alter new virus-like particles for a variety of purposes. As an illustration, they observed that a virus isolated from mice can transport protein cargo through hostile conditions and into a particular subcellular compartment in human cells.

There is still a lot to learn about viruses given the vast design space that exists among those that could be used as carriers. We'll keep pushing the limits of what can be learnt from employing virus-like particles as drug carriers, vaccinations, and biochemical reaction vessels, says Dr. Sainsbury said.


Citation- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-023-01443-x





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